Tuesday, June 10, 2008

No More Scissors

So, most people know that Olivia is grounded from scissors for life. First, for cutting her own hair about three times,(the first time was the day before picture day at school) and cutting a hole in her pants. Second, for cutting Jonah's hair soon after. I always catch her because she leaves huge chunks of hair on the top of the garbage cans.

Well, right now Ethan's hair is pretty long and he will NOT let me cut it. He tells me he likes to have long bangs and a duck tail (he keeps drawing pictures of himself at school with duck tails, ugh.) The other day, Ethan saw his shadow and did not like it at all. He said, " I have wings. I look like I have clown hair!". I said, "I've been telling you that you need a hair cut". He said, " I just don't like the wings on the sides". I told him, "it's all or nothing dude!"

So, this morning Olivia comes up to me with a huge chunk of hair and says," Mom, I found this hair on that pillow and I DIDN'T do it!!!!" So I think to myself, Jonah! No. Ethan!


(Later we caught Jonah trying to cut bookmark ribbons from our books with Ethan's school scissors he left out.)

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